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Excerpt from The Secret Of The Holy Face:
"About five years before his death in 1870, Venerable Leo Dupont was asked by a friend if the Devotion to the Holy Face would ever take off. It had been censored by the archbishop of Tours at that time. He answered his friend, Adele:
It will some day! Whoever the bishop will be, he will surely come someday, Adele, and he will light the candle which we kept flickering before the Holy Face these past two years, and the candle will blaze out with a mighty brilliance, and the light of that candle will scatter all the darkness and gloom, and the world will have a new hope...And what is more my dear, when that happy day dawns, then the light of that candle will become a spark of a chain reaction, spreading, going from one to another, and no power on earth will extinguish it!You are certain sir?Yes, because the Savior promised this to Sister Marie Pierre when He said: There is about to dawn the most beautiful work under the sun!That work is the work of reparation for blasphemy and profanation of Sundays and holy days of obligation."