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Recommended Websites

The Holy Face Devotion is a fascinating story from both a historical and a religious view. I encourage you to dig deeper into the details of this devotion. The world needs this devotion to survive the modern world enemies.
To learn more I would suggest visiting the following websites. (Links provided)

 This website will give you an in-depth story of the Holy Face Devotion. The website is written by Mary Jane Zuzolo who is not only an authority on the history of the devotion but is also a descendant of Sister Mary of St. Peter.

The Holy Face Devotion


Fr. Lawrence Carney is a priest who is dedicated to the Holy Face Devotion. He is the author of one of the recommended books. After attending a Holy Face Devotion retreat with Fr. Carney last fall he has inspired me to do all I can to learn more and promote the Devotion. You can find additional information about how he is promoting the Holy Face Devotion through The League of St. Martin by visiting his website:

The League of St. Martin


If you are interested in becoming a member of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face in Tours France, please use the link below for additional information.

Archconfraternity Enrollment